Oh I forgot to add, art stage was awesome. I've never seen such a large scale art event in Singapore before, it's nice to see three expo halls filled with people and interesting pieces. Much better viewing experience compared to the quiet SAM even on weekends.
Christian Schoeler's oil paintings were my favourite from the whole exhibition, loved his painting style so much. They remind me of Lucian Freud, just a little bit. Anybody who reads this should know he's my favourite artist, from his ideas to his painterly style. You see what I mean:
(lousy photo, I know. There were lots of people so I didn't have time to take a proper shot. This painting was huge, too.)
I'm sorry I didn't take note of the titles.
I'd buy a Christian Schoeler painting if I had the money. Or if I were a billionaire, Naked girl asleep by Lucian Freud - obviously not because of the naked girl but the entire idea. I've explained why I like that painting sooo much in a previous entry so I won't do so here. (I wouldn't know where to dig for it though, a few months back perhaps?) Google it up :)
We saw pretty new concepts too - projected images on greyscale paintings, moving shadows cast by a moving lightsource (it's difficult to describe, but Crystal City by Donna Ong did leave a huge impact on many viewers), paintings with volcanic ash etc.
The said volcanic Ash painting (with resin and mixed media)
Close up: canned drinks
From far: holycrap it's Georges Seurat's A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte! Once again, I apologize for the bad angle there was a persistent person at the side who refused to walk away from the painting.
Chris Jordan - Cans Seurat
Liu Zhuo quan - (untitled, I suppose?)
ALL the bottles are painted from the inside, like the chinese 鼻烟壶s. I'm amazed by the number of bottles displayed, all painstakingly painted this way. It must've taken ages to complete them.
like these. You can clearly tell from the cola bottle.
Oh and.. A REAL WANG GUANG YI PAINTING. You can tell they're REALLY hand painted, unlike what we see in the SOVA notes. I'm not much of a fan of his paintings but it's normal reaction to get all excited when you see a painting you've familiar with isn't it?
There were picasso paintings too, tiny ones of course.
I must admit I didn't have enough time to read the work description or look at it long enough to get what the artist was trying to say. You can poke your head up the holes just to see white trees all around you. Not in analysing mood now so I'll end the post here.
I'm just glad Miss K gave us the tickets for exhibition :)
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